I am delighted to announce that the 9th Annual Conference on European Tort Law will be held in Vienna from 8th to 10th April 2010.
The summary programme is:
Thurs, 8th April, 6 pm: Welcome Address and Opening Lecture ('The Uses of Tort', by Lord Bingham of Cornhill), followed by buffet reception. Venue: Palais Trautson (Austrian Ministry of Justice).
Fri, 9th April, 9 to 5 pm: Reports on national and transnational developments in tort law in Europe in 2009 (27 national systems and the EU), followed by Comparative Remarks. Venue: Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Fri, 9th April, 7.30 pm: Conference dinner / heurigen evening (traditional Viennese wine tavern).
Sat, 10th April, 9 am to 1 pm: Special session on Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life, with papers by Barbara C Steininger (Vienna), Martin Hogg (Edinburgh), Ewa Bagińska (Torun, Poland) and Albert Ruda (Girona, Spain). Venue: Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Further details may be found by clicking this link: http://www.acet.ectil.org/. Alternatively, drop me a line (ken.oliphant@oeaw.ac.at). As in previous years, I hope to be able to welcome list members to this always stimulating and enjoyable event.
Best wishes